Acupuncture needles into the skin. If you’re new to acupuncture, that might be all you see and we don’t blame you. For someone who’s not familiar with the benefits of acupuncture, that’s everything they know about the experience but when you walk out after your first session, you’ll be surprised at what you feel.
Based in TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture clinics have treated a variety of health conditions by pressing thin, sterilized needles into the body at select points. For over 2,500 years, acupuncture has been used to treat illness, improve well-being, and regulate energy flow in the body.
If you’re about to head into your first acupuncture appointment, here is what to expect.
It’s Not Random
It almost goes without saying but acupuncture needles aren’t placed into the body in random areas. There is a very specific map of where the needles enter the body. This is why using a practitioner with experience is a must.
Medical History
An acupuncture appointment will start by getting your medical history and symptoms. A practitioner will have a short conversation with you to find out what they’re treating and to see if there are any potential complications for medications or health conditions to consider.
An Exam Is Done
Next, an acupuncturist will do an exam. It’s very similar to a doctor’s exam. They might look at your body and do a physical touch exam to determine where there are energy imbalances. This physical examination might involve other steps, such as looking at your tongue.
In The Treatment Room
A treatment room is usually fairly small but comfortable. There may be some light music playing, an essential oil diffuser setting a beautiful scent, and the lights may be dimmed although that isn’t always the case. Steps are taken to relax the mind and body. Some patients are so relaxed, it’s common for some people to fall asleep during treatment. That’s normal.
Lie Down On The Table
Here’s where the acupuncture starts. You lie down on the table. The acupuncturist will begin to safely insert acupuncture needles into the body. These needles are carefully designed, checked, and sterilized. It’s painless when the acupuncture needles are inserted, just like when they’re removed. You won’t feel a thing.
How Long A Sessions Lasts
The average acupuncture appointment lasts 20-30 minutes although it could be less depending on what’s being treated and your comfort level. It’s very easy and painless to remove the acupuncture needles if there’s anything that feels wrong or uncomfortable to you.
What You’ll Feel After
After your acupuncture is done, people typically feel more energetic, pain relief, and less anxiety. That night, you’ll probably sleep better. Acupuncture takes the body on a journey towards relaxation and calmness.
If you are a acupuncture practitioner who is looking for high-quality acupuncture needles, can be the top choice. Lierre specializes in acupuncture supplies, TCM clinic supplies, and more, helping acupuncture practitioners and clinics get set up with high-quality, premium-grade inventory.
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