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Hand sanitizers are an asset in the fight against COVID-19. When washing hands with soap isn’t possible, they’re your next best defense.

Subsequently, disinfectants have also proven their worth in combating coronavirus. They have seen massive uses in retail, business and corporate environments, and at home as we clean surfaces and keep the virus at bay.

Which one kills more germs, sanitizers or disinfectants – that’s an easy question to answer, fortunately.

Sanitizers and Disinfectants

Sanitizers Are A ‘Reducer’

Sanitizers work quickly. You spray them and they’re already doing what they’re supposed to.

How sanitizers work is by reducing the germs on a surface. It renders some inactive while simply removing others.

Sanitizers aren’t germ-killers. That said, studies have shown hand sanitizers with minimum 60% alcohol content successfully kill the coronavirus. This is why they have been proven so effective this year and is also the reason perhaps why sanitizers are so confused with disinfectants.

Disinfectants Are A ‘Killer’

Disinfectants don’t just tidy up a surface. They kill what’s on it. From germs to bacteria, a disinfectant kills it all.

In order for them to work though, disinfectants need time. This is why most disinfectant bottles include instructions on how long to let them sit before wiping them away. Spray, wait, and wipe. That’s the routine.

In most cases, disinfectants have to be left 5-10 minutes. It’s not super convenient but they work.

Is A Disinfectant Better Than Hand Sanitizer?

Between disinfectants and hand sanitizers, neither is better than the other. They simply work differently.

That said, there’s no doubt which kills more germs. Disinfectants kill more germs than sanitizers.

Although these two terms continue to be used interchangeably, they aren’t even close to being the same.

Why Use Sanitizer Instead of Disinfectant

The obvious advantage to hand sanitizer is it works quickly and works against COVID-19.

You can spray some in your hand and instantly, you’re taking care of any bacteria, viruses, microbes, and debris. You may not kill them. However, you separate their bond and allow them to be removed.

Some cleaning experts will even suggest disinfectants are unnecessary with COVID-19, when sanitizer and soap work so well at killing the virus.

Other than alcohol, sanitizers can be relatively close to a natural product. Comparatively, disinfectants are packed with chemicals like hydrogen peroxide. These work great at decontamination, however, they also produce free radicals that attack cells. It does not discriminate as to what cells it attacks, either.

Both have their place. For the average consumer, they likely need little more than a quality sanitizer.

Find the best Black Friday Deal now, includes all sanitizers, disinfectants, and other COVID-19 essentials. Equip yourself with everything you need to protect yourself this winter through spring. The coronavirus can remain on surfaces for days. It doesn’t hurt to have both – hand sanitizer and disinfectant – at work in your home and in any environments you will be in.

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