What is arthritis?
Arthritis usually is called OA(osteoarthritis), which normally deteriorates joints and soft tissue around. It is a kind of chronic damage of body that causes pain, stiffness, and loss of joint function. Patients have trouble doing labor work, and arthritis can even affect their normal life because of joints inflexibility. Joints of fingers, lumbar, neck, toe and knee are parts where arthritis invade a lot.

Who will be caught by arthritis?
People are likely to suffer from arthritis with the increase of age. That is to say, older people may take more risks than the young with regards to arthritis. Some pessimistic people even believe, arthritis is a part of aging, which is the same as white hair and beard, slower metabolism and pleated skin. So does that mean arthritis cannot be cured, or at least be eased?
What are the early signs of arthritis?
Arthritis can be diagnosed by clinical manifestations or X-ray, but as a Chinese saying goes, prevention is better than treatment. If people can realize and recognize early symptoms of arthritis at the first moment, they will earn a better life with higher quality. Study shows that some signs should be paid attention, such as fatigue, joint pain and swelling without reasons, joint stiffness or redness without irritation from the external environment. They can all be thought of as potential dangers to arthritis.
What if I am suffering from arthritis now?
However, most of the time, people don’t recognize themselves as patients until doctors hand a paper of diagnosis. No time should be spared by regret, so it is worthwhile searching for treatment to reverse this situation. Oral drugs with Glucosamine and sodium hyaluronate can be effective to relieve pain. Here are some external medicines can be helpful.
Zheng Gu Shui is a complex mix of traditional Chinese ingredients and literally means “fixing broken bone oil”. It can be used during massage liniment and well-known in a variety of formats. Zheng Gu Shui can also come in a bandage once soaked on a cotton ball, gauze or cloth.
It is popular among athletes when injuries, sprains, muscle tensions or bruises happen because of its both warming and cooling effect. Another outstanding feature of Zheng Gu Shui should not be neglected–stimulating blood circulation.
Main ingredients including Notoginsen Sheng Tian Qi, Tiglium Wu Ma Xun Cheng, and Croton Ji Gu Xiang, Zheng Gu Shui can be used to heal the bone fracture, as well as for inflammation and swelling during manual bone setting.Besides, it is useful for acute bruising or swelling accompanying traumatic sprain (Chinese Herbal Patent medicines,2006).
2. 701 Dieda Zhentong Yaogao Medicated Plaster
701 Dieda Zhentong Yaogao Medicated Plaster is useful to temporary relief of aches and pain of muscles and joints associated with backache, lumbago, strains, bruises, sprains and arthritic or rheumatic pain, the pain of tendons and ligaments.
Medicinal Ingredients including borneol, camphor, Eupolyphaga, Sinensis, Tubiechong, Peppermint oil and so forth.
Kwan Loong Oil is an invaluable muscle pain-relieving aromatic oil. It can be used for temporary relief of minor aches and pain of muscles and joints associated with simple backaches, arthritis, bruises, sprains, and strains. Kwan Loong Oil provides penetrating pain relief. Besides, it is also useful for fast and effective relief of dizziness, headache, motion sickness, blocked nose, stomachaches, and rheumatic pains.
It should be guaranteed that the amount of external use medicine for arthritis should be sufficient. Some patients try to save money by reducing the use of medicated oil, plasters or other treatment. On the other hand, patients should also pay attention to the period of using plasters analogs. A long length of time when plasters on the skin may cause an allergic reaction.