A lava stone necklace is something you can wear daily to keep your favourite essential oils surrounding you. No matter whether you’re looking to reduce stress, sooth anxiety, or support wellness, here are some of the best essential oils for a lava stone necklace.
Did you know smelling rosemary can help with soothing anxiety, focusing on work, and keeping calm – it’s true. Rosemary is not only well-known as an ingredient in cooking but also is a great essential oil to pair with your lave stone diffuser.
Sweet orange
Sweet orange smells exactly like you want it to smell – like a freshly-squeezed orange. Sweet orange used as an essential oil, research has shown, helps to improve mood, combat anxiety, and/or can be combined with other essential oils for something truly potent.
Geranium is a floral or rose-esque scent. In essential oil form, it’s used to treat anxiety, relieve tension, and help someone in becoming more alert and focused sans caffeine! Some studies argue geranium could assist with insomnia and headaches as well although research is limited.
Patchouli is an earthy scent known to boost dopamine levels, provide focus, regulate mood, as well as ward off mental conditions such as depression, ADD, Parkinson’s disease, and others. Patchouli is an essential oil not often spoken about when we talk favourites. That said, there’s no disputing patchouli comes with several benefits. It’s well worth combining with your lava stone necklace.
Eucalyptus is an essential oil commonly used to treat circulation, relax the blood vessels and improve blood flow, and is an all-around lovely scent. If you need some help improve your cardiovascular health, eucalyptus is a safe and 100% natural treatment to try.
Lavender is an ultimate essential oil with numerous aromatherapy benefits. Coming in a mellow, soothing scent, lavender helps a person feel relaxed and grounded which can be key after a strenuous day at work. Lavender fights stress and helps to calm the emotions, with the added advantage of reducing the presence of migraines.
Ylang ylang
Ylang ylang is like smelling a bouquet of flowers and is a great essential oil to wear with a lava stone diffuser. Ylang ylang is relaxing, perfect for treating stressful situations or depression, can regulate heart rate and blood pressure, control anxiety, and is an aphrodisiac for some.
You can find all these essential oils in Canada from Lierre.ca. Perfect for combining with a lava stone necklace, use them liberally throughout your day to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and maintain focus. Daily use can have a huge impact on how we feel, look, and how our body’s systems operate. Get your favourites today from Lierre.ca.