A TDP lamp is an electromagnetic lamp. It produces far infrared light, and produces therapeutic rays that increase microcirculation. Though they aren’t approved for hospital use in Canada, TDP lamps are used every day in hospitals in Japan and China, and they are quickly developing a devoted following across North America.
TDP lamp therapy is successful at increasing microcirculation, loosening muscles, and accelerating healing in the body. This is why it’s received a lot of attention in Asia and why they are frequently used in medical environments. They can be alternatives and combination treatment with moxibustion and acupuncture. Some people who are suffering from back aches may look for one TDP lamp and have a heat therapy at home.
How does a TDP lamp work?
How a TDP lamp differs from other far infrared heating devices is that it incorporated infrared heating with a plate of 33 trace elements. These trace elements are heated, become airborne, and are translated directly into the body through the rays of light sent from the lamp. They can reach as deep as 4 inches under skin, therefore, in order to cure relative issues.
TDP lamps are used most often to address muscle tightness, inflammation, and of course, pain. The treatment can be done on the back, shoulders, neck, knees, elbows, or ankles. They’re frequently purchased to help recuperate from injuries or to assist with pain. It usually takes several minutes for the lamp to start generating heat, and each time an approximately 20 to 30 minutes treatment can help tremendously.

What does a TDP lamp feel like on the body?
When you have an infrared lamp, like the TDP lamp CQ-36, the sensation of it on will feel like heating. It is a very relaxing treatment and is sometimes paired with other forms of Chinese medicine such as acupuncture or cupping. You can feel the heat but far from burning, but if you have sensitive skin type, increasing the distance or placing thin cloth can be solutions.
Infrared lamp treatments can be very personalized. Length can vary. The average TDP lamp treatment is recommended to last between a half hour and a full hour. If uncomfortable though, less time can be scheduled.
Throughout a treatment, you may feel the relief of stress or like there’s weight literally removing itself from your body. This is normal. Later in the day, it’s also not uncommon to see sleep is improved and pain levels are eased. Sometimes, chill and moisture inside bones can cause a bunch of diseases and uncomfort. Infrared light and heat can help chase away these issues.
Do TDP lamps work?
The TDP lamp C-29 produces results. Will you feel better after TDP lamp therapy – you should. Results can vary. Some patients feel better immediately after one session. Others may need a couple treatments or a few weeks of treatments to pass before a noticeable difference is felt.
More doctors are recommending using an infrared lamp because of the evidence. To put it simple, they work. If you have something like arthritis pain or are inconvenienced by a chronic condition, we strongly recommend trying a lamp like this.
No risks involved. You don’t need to be in an uncomfortable position to receive it. You either discover benefits to it or you don’t. It’s not going to cause you more pain or trouble. Just think. If they’re using this in hospitals, there’s got to be some really good benefits behind it!
Find the best CQ-29 and CQ-36 TDP lamp in Canada from Lierre.ca today. It’s a natural pain relief solution that actually works. Believe in the results.