Cupping therapy is well known in mainstream society for the purple circles it’s left on the back of the celebrities who regularly partake in it, such as Jennifer Aniston, Michael Phelps, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Cupping is so much more than that though, as a treatment gaining traction as a resolution for pain, discomfort, and stagnancy in the body. Here are the top 9 questions about cupping answered.
What is cupping?
Cupping involves the placement of cups on the body which are then suctioned. The vacuum created brings new blood to the area being treated and allows for internal movement that wasn’t there before.
Why do people do cupping?
Cupping therapy is used to get circulation moving in the body, both in fluids and energy. By inspiring movement, this allows pain to fade away and stagnancy to fade away leaving you functioning and feeling better.
What does cupping treat?
Cupping is primarily used as a solution to things like chronic pain in specific areas of the body, fevers, stiffness, respiratory issues, digestive issues, and menstrual discomfort. Although cupping’s done primarily on the back, it can be used on any of the point of meridians on the body.
Does cupping hurt?
No, cupping doesn’t hurt whatsoever despite leaving purple marks on some who use it. It’s painless. Cupping is very similar to a massage. Instead of applying pressure down on the body, cupping lifts the tissue. Essentially, it’s like a massage in a different direction.
Can cupping help muscle pain?
Post-workout cupping has been known to increase circulation in the skin and muscles. Athletes use cupping to help heal soft tissue and alleviate discomfort that comes with overworking one’s muscles.
Can you use cupping on scar tissue?
After a cut or wound has fully healed – please note the skin must be fully healed – cupping can be used to stimulate the circulation and lymphatic system around scar tissue. Some have used cupping on scar tissue however acupuncture is usually the more recommended option.
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Can cupping help headaches?
Cupping is helpful for headaches as it helps to relax the muscles in the neck and upper back. These muscles can sometimes be the cause of tension headaches. Also, cupping can draw sensations away from an area of tension which also has its’ advantages.
What about moving cupping?
Still cupping leaves the cups in one place which treats specific imbalances in the body and relieves tension in the area. Alternatively, moving cupping uses oil underneath to move cups across a larger area. Moving cupping covers a larger area, gets used on the back a lot due to the wideness of the region.
How long is a cupping treatment?
When you buy a silicone cupping set, do not use it over 20 minutes long. This is all you need to achieve benefits. It’s also recommended to avoid showering up to 5 hours after a treatment, if possible.