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A lot of people prefer the use of incense cones when it comes to burning incense. They’re easy. They burn safely and are already stable in their design alone. Incense cones deliver aromatic fragrances that are perfect for meditation, relaxation, de-stressing, yoga, and to aid with creativity, focus, and even sleep.

What Is An Incense Cone?

An incense cone is a type of incense that is lit from the top. It burns downwards with the scent increasing in intensity as more of the cone is burned up until the whole of the incense is totally done. By comparison, a backflow incense cone emits smoke in the opposite direction than a normal cone. They are designed with a small hollow tunnel in the center of the cone to help emit smoke in a more efficient manner.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Incense Cone?

  • Use incense cones’ calm, swirling smoke as a part of your daily meditation.
  • An incense cone will burn for 25-30 minutes and their scent lasts for hours. A long-lasting fragrance that you can let slowly fade without intervention.
  • So many households use the best incense cones for aromatherapy, opting for scents pleasing to them and that they’re familiar with to burn.

Lierre’s Recommendation

Lierre has some of the best incense cones in Canada, with Shoyeido incense varieties including rose, lavender, and pine. Each incense cone has a rich aroma that is sure to fill the room with relaxation and a natural fragrance that will slowly spread from wall to wall. Shop at Lierre’s 14th Anniversary Sale 2022 for more incense sticks, incense cones, and other incense accessories!

How To Use An Incense Cone

Select an incense burner or incense holder large enough to hold your incense cone. The shape and size of incense cones vary as do the holders and so you want to make sure yours will catch the ash that comes from a lit cone.

Some options at Lierre for an incense holder include a celadon frog bowl for incense, a mountain mist bowl, or an azure bowl.

If you are using an incense burner, some people will put a small amount of sand or dry uncooked rice at the bottom. The incense cone goes on top. This can help improve airflow in the burner while conducting less heat around the surface or base.

While setting up your incense holder, ensure your burner or holder is not near flammable materials.

Light the tip of your incense cone. Let 5-10 seconds pass and extinguish the flame. The smoke that comes from the top of the cone is a sign the incense is beginning to burn. Place the cone inside the burner and allow it to burn naturally over time.

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