An essential oil massage is not just about stress relief. It serves to help remedy symptoms of a number of conditions and chronic diseases. Although it will never be a...
Each essential oil used in massage therapy has its own list of advantages. From invigorating peppermint oil to relaxing lavender oil, each essential oil can provide a different experience. Massage...
Essential oils carry with them a lot of mystery. Passed down through generations, there are medical-grade essential oils available for everything from headaches to anxiety, sleep, concentration, and more. Most...
Does anxiety keep you up at night – you’re not alone. It’s a busy world out there, with bills, professional commitments, family, and more to worry about. In recent decades,...
Love it or hate it, winter comes once a year guaranteed. Some see it as romantic, whimsical, gorgeous, and loving. The snows always bring people into a wonderland, and so...
After the holidays have passed, winter can become as cold and damp as it is miserable and gloomy for many people. They may feel blue and inactive. One way to...
Don’t think of Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to shower your loved one with gifts. Generic shopping mall-favored gift ideas aren’t exactly coming from the heart, or at least they...
The back to school season is upon us, which means classes will soon start and it’ll be time to get back to the books. This transition can be nerve wracking...
Are you a mom and always feel overwhelmed, whether it’s the kids, the new puppy you got who keeps peeing on the floor or even a frustrating day at work;...