How to make your own aromatic massage bar
Massage oils and massage lotions are staples for many work places, and increasingly in people’s homes as a part of their self-care and skin care routines. Massage bars are a...
2-part versus 3-part massage tables
When people ask which type is better, they usually mean: which one is right for my practice? Comparing these two types of tables really boils down to two intimately tied...
Tables de massage en aluminium: pours et contres
Les tables de massage en aluminium portatives de haute qualité sont reconnues comme étant les plus légères et les plus résistantes sur le marché, mais elles peuvent aussi être plus...
5 ways to integrate coconut oil into your beauty regimen
Coconut oil is so trendy these days! Rich and oh-so-versatile, it’s been hailed as a wonderfood and celebrated for its great effect on the body: it’s been proven to help...
Massage oils and aromatherapy essentials – what to look for?
There are many different types of massage oils available on the market now. Understanding and knowing the differences between base massage oils and aromatherapy essentials can make all the difference...
Les traversins et les accessoires de massage: un pour chaque besoin!
Un soutien bien choisi peut faire toute la différence pendant un massage, et les traversins sont exactement les types d’accessoires de massage sur lesquels vous pouvez compter. Notre court guide...
Massage bolsters and accessories: find the right one for every need!
Support can mean everything during a massage, and bolsters are exactly the type of massage accessories you can rely on for this purpose. Our short guide is a primer on...
Comment différencier les types de draps de massage
Donc vous avez acheté une nouvelle table de massage... quelle est la prochaine étape? Investir dans un ou plusieurs ensembles de draps de massage permettra de prolonger la durée de...
How to tell the most popular types of massage sheets apart
So you bought a brand new massage table: what’s the next step? Investing in one or many sets of massage sheets will extend the lifespan of your table significantly, protecting...
Is an electric massage table right for you?
Strong, sturdy and adjustable, electric massage tables can be fantastic assets for therapists, practitioners and specialists. They allow users to fluidly transition between positions for their clients – often by...