An acupuncture point for perennial youth- San Yin Jiao (SP 6)
三阴交- It is one of the ten most important acupuncture points. It is sometimes called gynecology point which means it is most often used for Gynecological diseases. It could be...
Cupping is now populating in Rio 2016, Olympians are crazy for this TCM therapy
As the Olympic Games start, one of the TCM is known by a lot of people- Cupping. It becomes one of the most loved therapies of USA Team. Some Gymnasts...
Acupuncture point Tian Shu (ST 25)
天枢- One of the most often used acupuncture needles for gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and other gynecological disorders. It is located on Yangming Stomach...
Science-based moxibustion benefits
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa. Moxa also called dried mugwort. Moxibustion is called 灸 (pinyin: jiu) in Chinese. Moxibustion plays an important role in the traditional...
A special acupuncture point for reducing acute lower back pain
First of all, we are talking about how to reduce the emergency lower back pain. It is used by some Chinese acupuncturists for herniation or acute sprain to reduce the...
Le mal de dos affecte presque tout le monde! Il est estimé que près de 80% d’entre nous souffriront, un jour ou l’autre, de maux lombaires; une véritable épidémie de...
Cupping therapy for kids
While some kids are afraid of acupuncture needles, cups seem very interesting for them to play with. They are curious about cupping therapy because cups will suck on their body...
Qu’est-ce que la sensation de-qi?
Si vous connaissez déjà l’acupuncture chinoise, vous avez peut-être déjà entendu cette expression, mais vous n’êtes peut-être pas au courant de son sens. En fait, comme la plupart des sensations,...
what do you know about aculifting?
Though most Canadians are aware of acupuncture as a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not everyone’s aware of its increasingly prominent role in beauty treatments! While popular across China, Japan...
Acupuncture point Yong Quan (Kd1)
涌泉穴-Yong Quan Acupuncture Point (Kd1) is one of the most useful points located on the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of the foot, KI.(足少阴肾经)To be more specific, it is on the sole,...