Taking care of your skin is super important – that’s why pretty much everyone should be obsessed with skincare if they aren’t already. Washing your face in the morning and at night is an important component of your routine but there are lots of other steps that you can add to that to get healthy and glowing skin.
Now I know some people have great skin that’s low maintenance. I sincerely applaud you, unfortunately that isn’t the case for the majority of us out there. So this blog post is to help those who need some direction with their skincare routine or have been wanting to start one but don’t know which products to use.
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For starters the first thing you need to do is take that makeup off!! (If you’re not wearing any makeup, skip this step).
There are many ways that I like to clean my face. It really all depends on two factors:
- How much makeup you have on
- How lazy you’re feeling
You can clean your face with a cream or gel based makeup remover. Most of the time they turn into some sort of mask that you rinse off with a cloth and some warm water.
You can also clean your face with some makeup wipes. Just know though, that they are not going to get everything off. It may look like they did, but there’s still lots left on your face.
So as you guessed it, it’s way more convenient to take your makeup off with wipes but also more eco responsible to use the first option.
Second step: is to tone that skin of yours!
This is such an important step in your skincare routine! It helps get the rest of the makeup off in tough to reach areas like the side of your face where you added that contour. Toner also helps with the texture of your skin. If you’re someone that has super dry, combination or oily skin, there is a toner out there for you.
And if you didn’t have any makeup on to begin with it’s a great way to get all of the dirt and oils you didn’t know was on your face, off.
Third Step: Actually using a cleanser to wash your face.
None of this soap and water b.s., taking care of your skin requires a cleanser that is made to clean the skin and its impurities. If you have oily skin, skin that is prone to acne or super dry skin, don’t worry because there’s something out there for everyone.
One cleanser that I do love, however, is the Sukin foaming facial cleanser. The best part is that it’s a relatively neutral and simple cleanser meaning that it can be used from oily to and dry and everything in between.

Next on the list is: SERUM, SERUM, AND SERUM
No, not three different serums (although if you’re a skincare fanatic like I am, you totally could), but just one great serum that I recommend from Derma E. It’s the Derma E vitamin C concentrated serum and its seriously the bomb.com.

So here’s the all of the deets that you need to know about vitamin C and what it can do for your skin:
- For one it brightens your complexion
- Gets rid of free radicals on the skin
- Hydrates like no one’s business
If you’re interested in any of these products, just visit our website Lierre.ca! Stick around for part two of this blog post series; did you really think it stopped here?