Vancouver’s is perhaps Canada’s most beautiful city on the West Coast with a population 2.4 million people settled in the general area. In the City, there are so many different languages spoken, cultures and ethnicities living in harmony, and quality of life is high.
BC is also a very important province to overall Canadian healthcare, spurring new medical developments, treatments, and alternative medicines that continue to positive impact our country all over.

Perhaps due to the large number of non-English speaking residents in Vancouver and the more than 30% of inhabitants who are of Chinese heritage, acupuncture is very popular in this part of Canada. There are dozens of acupuncturists across the city and more interested clinics or practitioners who are just beginning to offer the service at their clinic. In terms of athletic physiotherapy, discomfort in the body, chronic or acute pain, and stiffness, acupuncture is a possible solution.
For acupuncture needles in Vancouver, there’s one name to shop – Lierre. We are a Canadian-made brand serving up a variety of acupuncture needles for clinics, alternative medicine practitioners, and acupuncturists to enjoy. All of our needles of small, well-made, pass quality assurance testing, and are of stainless steel. You can rest assured that when using needles like these, a client won’t feel a thing. They are extremely thin, sterile, and single-use which makes acupuncture an easy service to offer.
The quality of needles you chose is evidently very central to how effective acupuncture is and how much a patient enjoys the experience. When someone experiences pain in acupuncture, this isn’t normal. It’s likely because the thickness of the needle isn’t what it should be, or the material used or quality is low. When we offer acupuncture or TCM supplies in Vancouver, our customers are receiving the highest possible quality we can offer. Acupuncture needles are thinner than a human hair. It shouldn’t hurt when you insert them into a patient.

Browse brands like Lierre’s home brand as well as ShinLin, Acu Relaxo, and Zagu. It doesn’t hurt having a few options to pull from, although that’s up to you. With a Lierre needle, you can provide gentle acupuncture tailored to the patient. Once inserted, an acupuncture needle remains in place for up to 20 minutes. If you’re using a low quality needle that hasn’t been properly manufactured or sterilized, someone may begin experiencing pain or you may even see an infection starting to happen. This will never be the case with high quality acupuncture needles from Lierre.
Shop acupuncture needles in Vancouver, BC from and add to your tool belt the best quality acupuncture supplies in Canada. Affordable, well-made, and stainless steel, this is traditional Chinese Medicine done right!