I love makeup.
There’s no denying that. Sure, the countless dance competitions and swatting my mother’s hands away from my face as she tried to apply the eyeshadow and mascara when I was seven, are distant memories. Then we went through the angsty teenage phase where makeup felt necessary because I was graced with a full face of acne. Fast forward to today, I’m writing this completely bare-faced in an office that took me an hour to get to (i.e. I had to take public transport — meaning that a good amount of people saw me looking like this) and guess what, I no longer care!
But aside from my love for makeup and relationship with it, a part of this process that has been with me since the beginning is cleaning those damned makeup brushes. They get dirty, they look gross. We say: “It’s ok, I’ll clean them tomorrow.”
Tomorrow becomes a week, and then that becomes a month. Next thing you know you’re getting a pimple on that cheek of yours and you shake your head in denial: “No! It can’t be my brushes, It must be that coke I had the other day.”
It’s time to face the truth. You need to clean those brushes. Raise your hand if you’re guilty of needing to clean your brushes right now? I totally just raised my hand and my coworker gave me a weird stare.
So today my mission is to, aside from going home and cleaning my makeup brushes, teach you guys how to clean them properly.
You’re going to need two things, and no, you don’t need to buy expensive forms of makeup remover sprays from Sephora (I’m totally not calling them out, I love them but let’s not waste our money here.)
You’re going to need Dawn liquid dish soap or baby shampoo. It’s cheap and can be bought in bulk. Next you’re going to need a silicone mat made especially for, you guessed it, cleaning your brushes. Here are some examples:

Next what you want to do is wet your brushes and apply the soap or shampoo to the silicone mat. Then all you have to do is rub the brush’s bristles onto the mat in circular movements and get all of the gross makeup out of there. Add water or more soap when needed.
It’s as simple as that! So thank you for reading my PSA on cleaning brushes – but seriously go home and do this asap, it’s super terrible for your skin and pimples are sure to pay you a visit if you put it off for too long.
You can buy the makeup brushes in the cover photo and the silicone cleaning mats on Lierre.ca!