Athletes use cupping therapy to ease soreness and heal muscle aches. Though it may be not well known Canada-wide, cupping’s reputation is on the increase with much publicity coming from Instagrammers, Hollywood celebrities, and more. But what is cupping actually all about?
How does cupping therapy work?
Soreness sucks. It really, really does. Soreness will make things hurt and limits mobility. Once it interferes with your day-to-day activities, you know you’ve got to do something. Cupping’s an alternative to painkillers and traditional Chinese medications. In the same category as acupuncture, cupping involves placing cups on the tissue and specific areas on bodies, creating suction upwards, and moving blood circulation into the muscle. Smooth circulation of blood inside body is the key to health. This act alone reduces inflammation and brings in oxygen-rich, nutrient-dense blood.
What are some cupping therapy benefits?
There’s evidence cupping therapy benefits include treating congestion, colds, and respiratory symptoms, minimizing digestive issues, treating insomnia, reducing irritability, reducing fatigue, minimizing the appearance of cellulite, warming up sore or tightened muscles, speeding rehabilitation up, reducing inflammation, and reducing pain.
How do you do cupping therapy?
The success of your therapy relies on where you place cups for cupping. Just like with acupuncture, there are specific areas on which to place the cups. Because this is a treatment targeting blood flow, you want to ensure the cups are placed directly on tissue i.e. muscles. Cupping shouldn’t go over tendons, ligaments, or bone. Most people get cupping on their backs, though this will require a practitioner or use the tube from a Kang Zhu Suction Cupping Set. Moreover, there are more choices for the number of cuppings inside a set that you can choose from You can complete cupping therapy on any muscle, including the shoulder, biceps, legs, and even the face.
Does cupping hurt?
No, cupping should not hurt. As long as the right cupping points are manipulated, at worst, you may feel mild discomfort. The pressure can be a little scary the first time you feel it but the sensation, you get used to quickly. Do note that cupping is safe, risk-free, poses no danger, and there aren’t really any side effects to cupping to be aware of. At most, you’ll experience some soreness as well as see some bruise-like marks which will disappear after a few days.
What’s the right cupping technique?
Silicone cupping techniques vary. You can keep the cups still and then remove them after a defined period of time. You can also use oil on the skin to move the cups around similar to a massage. However, note that only by using silicone cuppings can you do a cupping massage, not plastic or glass cuppings. If cupping’s performed on the body, you want enough suction to stimulate strong circulation. If it’s done on the face or neck, of course, you want the same but you also want a gentler action. After all, no one wants purple marks left on their face after treatment.
Can I do cupping myself?
You don’t need a practitioner to perform cupping. As long as you have a silicone cupping set and it’s an area that’s easily accessible, you can do self-cupping. They are so easy to use and get the best effect on the pain of the body. You will want to do some reading on where to put the cups, how long to leave them on, and self-care afterward.