Let's get one thing straight, cellulite is completely normal and doesn't define one's beauty. But, sometimes working out your thighs and bum just isn't... working out. Cupping is a natural...
Cellulite just plain sucks to look at and to know that it exists. Dimply, lumpy parts of the body you can’t make disappear no matter how much cream you put...
For cupping practitioners in Ontario, silicone cups are an exciting, easy-to-use tool that assist in delivering top quality treatment to interested patients. Here’s a quick overview on what silicone cups...
Jade soft silicone cups are an innovation in the silicone cupping product market that’s making waves. They’ve won acclaim across Canada among cupping practitioners for being easy in application, flexible...
Are you waking up and do not feel good? Naturally, our bodies produce toxins or we consume things that triggers so. Many people are looking to cleanse and detox to...
Anti-cellulite silicone cupping sets have made it easier than ever to eliminate cellulite for good, restoring appearances back to clear, glowing skin. For a lot of Canadians, they’re not weighed...
Les ventouses en silicone ne sont rien de plus que la version moderne des ventouses à feu, mais sans feu et sans verre. Finalement la philosophie reste semblable mais la...
Dans le marché, il y a plusieurs sorte de ventouses; telle que les ventouses en silicone, en plastique, en verre et etc. Vous avez l'embarras du choix et vous ne...