Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa. Moxa also called dried mugwort. Moxibustion is called 灸 (pinyin: jiu) in Chinese. Moxibustion plays an important role in the traditional...
涌泉穴-Yong Quan Acupuncture Point (Kd1) is one of the most useful points located on the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of the foot, KI.(足少阴肾经)To be more specific, it is on the sole,...
Many beginners would ask this question at the beginning of their career when they are looking for a suitable massage table that could last them for years. When they become...
While colds are not very severe illnesses, they can be a huge pain anyways: the loss of energy, productivity, that stuffy head feeling, congested sinuses, non-stop sneezing... ugh! In the...
Facial cupping is now performed and gained population not only in Asia but Europe and Russia. More and more people are using these negative pressure facial exercises for rejuvenation, anti...
C’est une question que l’on entend beaucoup, et l’une des idées utilisées le plus souvent pour attaquer l’acupuncture. En fait, l’acupuncture se prouve efficace dans la plupart des études à...
L’acupuncture fait souvent l’objet de controverses au Québec, dû en grande partie à son aspect peu familier ou mystérieux. Souvent, on la compare aux traitements pharmaceutiques tels que ceux que l’on peut...
Souvent considérée comme une étape importante et transitionnelle pour les femmes de 40 à 60 ans, la ménopause représente la conclusion des cycles de fertilité. Elle est précédée par la...
Cesser de fumer, c’est difficile. Incroyablement difficile, même, mais tôt ou tard, prendre cette initiative est absolument essentiel à notre survie, et il est toujours plus facile de le faire...
There are so many massage tables available on the market. Which one is the most suitable for you? What are you looking for the tables? Where you could find them?...