涌泉穴-Yong Quan Acupuncture Point (Kd1) is one of the most useful points located on the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of the foot, KI.(足少阴肾经)To be more specific, it is on the sole, near the ball of the foot, between the second toe and third toe. It is mainly for lung problems and excretory system.
Yong Quan roughly translates to outflow of spring water, where Quan means “spring,” or “spring water,” and Yong means “outflow from inside.” Yong Quan, then, figuratively means that Qi will flow out to the surface of this acupuncture point, hence its association with excretion. This acupuncture point is also classified among the Wood Points. Liquids with temperature higher than the normal body temperature will typically flow out from these points. It could also help with radiating and growing Qi.
This point can be used to help solve the following problems:
- Dizziness, heat stroke, epilepsy, emergency problems in children including convulsions.
- Headache
- Sore Throat
- Difficult urination and constipation
- Heat plantar
- Anxiety and night sweats
- Other problems related to Kidney Meridian.
This acupuncture needles is very often used in the treatments of shock, hypertension, insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy, convulsion, nervous headaches and difficult urination, and other emergency problems. Many acupuncturists and herbalists also put plasters with herbs on this acupuncture point as a form of treatment.
Instructions for typical treatment:
Insert acupuncture needles straight into this acupuncture point from about 0.5 cun to 1 cun.
On sole, in depression with foot in plantar flexion, at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of line connecting base of the 2nd and 3rd toes with the heel.

You can also massage Yong Quan everyday to help with kidney health and boost energy levels; however, if you experience the problems mentioned above, it is better for you to go for a certified therapist, such as acupuncturist. Acupuncturists can use acupuncture needles with precision and expertise to accelerate the healing process – this is a procedure that shouldn’t be attempted on one’s own, especially without training.
Worried about pain? You shouldn’t have to. High quality acupuncture needles are tiny, extremely sharp and very smooth: after all, they’re designed to relieve pain, not cause it. It’s therefore very unlikely that you’ll experience severe discomfort during an acupuncture needle insertion.
If you’re interested in learning more about needles or buying them, Lierre.ca has many different types of acupuncture needles for sale – and they’ll be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions!
About the author: Xiao Lei Wang is a professional TCM therapist with Quebec registered acupuncturist licence. He focuses on helping patients with Traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping therapies. You can find more about him on his own acupuncture clinic website. You could also book an appointment on the website.