Fibromyalgia is a very tricky condition to treat, with ineffective pharmaceutical medications that don’t quite work the way patients would prefer and there’s oftentimes so little known about the origin of the chronic pain. Thankfully, acupuncture therapy may be some sort of answer to the question of what to do to resolve what can be very severe symptoms.
Fibromyalgia and acupuncture
Evaluating the current research between fibromyalgia and acupuncture, and the relationship between the two reveals a lot regarding acupuncture’s chronic pain effectiveness. For example, acupuncture has been shown to be more effective than non-acupuncture alternative treatments at resolving symptoms of chronic pain, stiffness, and fatigue in fibromyalgia patients.
Also, when electrical stimulation is combined with acupuncture, this proves even more effective particularly as it applies to pain, fatigue, and sleep. There are also some researchers who believe acupuncture can help improve the efficacy of certain medications and enhances the positive effects of exercise on pain.
Common symptoms of fibromyalgia
With fibromyalgia, one experiences seemingly random pain in various points throughout the body. Unfortunately, pain is not the only symptom either. A patient may have mobility issues and stiffness, difficulty sleeping or staying asleep, and the impact this all has on one’s mental health can also be severe. To properly cure all of these symptoms, it would take a dangerous amount of pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, they would only mask the symptoms resulting in you being without any address on the cause. With fibromyalgia, there is no cure but what can help is acupuncture.
Where to buy acupuncture needles in Canada
Acupuncture places acupuncture needles in specific areas of the body and this act creates gentle healing. The stimulation on these acupuncture points is sensitive, encouraging an anti-inflammatory response in the body. This reduces inflammation while encouraging the release of endorphins, a natural painkiller. All this activity calms the brain.
Though we do not know the cause of fibromyalgia, many suspect it is a central nervous system response in the body and may be related to swelling in the brain. As this part of the body calms, this remedies a lot of the symptoms. For these reasons, acupuncture works on fibromyalgia, a notoriously treatment-resistant condition.

Acupuncture is safe, has no risks, and can produce a long-lasting effect in the body. Enough academic study has been done on acupuncture that we know this not to be just theory. It’s been proven again and again. Acupuncture may not work for every person but in the vast majority, it proves to be even more effective than a lot of fibromyalgia medications. If you have fibromyalgia, we highly recommend starting on a trial of acupuncture. After four weeks, see how you feel.
We want to help any way we can in combating symptoms of fibromyalgia. Buy acupuncture supplies today from Canada’s own and begin seeing the effects of acupuncture on fibromyalgia yourself. Shop with us today.